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Seminārs bibliotēkā

At the end of June, Latvia's major scientific and university libraries started work on the new version of the library information system ALEPH 500, available on the site and readers offer a wide range of services on the Internet, search and select in the directory according to different criteria, and at the same time in several databases.

Changing the system improves its speed and further ensures users' access to electronic catalogues in 24/7 mode. The operation of the ALEPH 500 system in Latvian libraries shall be ensured by the Centre for Culture Information Systems. The ALEPH 500 authorized users of the Library Information System can create booking requests, view information about books issued, extend the time limit for returning books, and view issues history and booking requests. Similarly, authorized users will be offered their own individual e-shelves, with the user displaying copies with a reserving request created. High-school libraries will offer bookings that are highly demanded for a specific period of time, such as lecturing time.

ALEPH is an integrated library information system that libraries use to computerize inventory, automate librarian processes and provide readers with access to information locally and over the Internet, and to provide a variety of services. The Integrated Library Information System ALEPH 500 is used and the Library of State Interest is composed of a total of 11 libraries - the National Library of Latvia, the Fundamental Library of Latvian Agricultural University, the Library of Riga Stradite University, the Library of the University of Latvia, the Academic Library of the University of Latvia, the Scientific Library of Riga Technical University, the Library of Latvian Culture Academy, the Library of the Latvian Naval Academy, the Library of Riga International Economics and Business Administration High School, the Library of Riga Law School and the Library of the Latvian National Museum of Art.

More than 900 thousand entries are currently available in the Catalogue. It adds up on average with 50 thousand new records a year.

This system has been used globally for more than 20 years, and its developer, ExLibris Group, is a leading international company that offers a variety of technological solutions for libraries and information centers. In Latvia, for libraries, THE ALEPH 500 system was purchased in 1998 when an international competition for the purchase of the single information system was launched. According to the assessment of the representatives of the libraries themselves, the Exlibris Group's integrated information system, ALEPH500, was found to be the most appropriate.