Since the end of last year – 2023, the introduction of a common document management system of a departmental of the Ministry of Culture has been commenced, ensuring organisation of the circulation of…
The public administration language technology platform, managed by Culture Information Systems Centre (CISC) since June 2023 has been connected to the European Commission's translation…
On Friday, March 10, THE Centre for Cultural Information Systems (KISC), in cooperation with the State Chancery (VK) Communications Department, organised a regular online training seminar on the…
Esiet sveicināti Kultūras informācijas sistēmu centra jaunajā tīmekļvietnē! Salīdzinot ar iepriekšējo tīmekļvietnes versiju, šajā redzēsiet daudz uzlabojumu: tā ir droši un ērti lietojama gan uz…